Forum Discussion

ashetty's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

All Tests are failing on Ready! API on adding a new Resource in 'Projects' view

1. I was using soapui open source v5.0.0 for writing the API automation tests. Then, we made a decision to go for the PRO version and we purchased 'Ready! API' on 13-Nov-14.

2. I imported the .xml file of the soapui open source v5.0.0 project to 'Ready! API'. Then, executed all the tests and it worked like a charm.

3. I wanted to build few more tests for the new APIs in 'Ready! API. So, I added a new Resource in the 'Projects' view.

4. Then, I executed my Test Suite. Unfortunately, all my tests are failing. I am seeing an error being displayed in the response for all my requests. I have attached the screenshots - Response before the new resource being added (Before_AddingNewResource.png) and Response after the new resource being added (AFTER_AddingNewResource.PNG). Please help me, if someone has a solution for this problem.

  • Hi Anoop,

    Sounds like you have worked around this problem and this is not a defect or broken functionality.   If you think otherwise then please send the screen shots via support ticket ( as they are not attached to your forum post.



    SmartBear Support
  • ashetty's avatar
    New Contributor
    Please ignore my post above. I could find out the root-cause for this issue and the problem is that on adding the new resource in 'Projects' view deletes the additional resources added in the Endpoint URL in the 'Environments' view.
  • Hi Anoop,

    Sounds like you have worked around this problem and this is not a defect or broken functionality.   If you think otherwise then please send the screen shots via support ticket ( as they are not attached to your forum post.



    SmartBear Support