Forum Discussion

Rama16's avatar
6 years ago

Adding WCF Service



I am seeing NTLM error when adding the WCF service. I successfully added to other tools like WCF Storm, WCFClient.


I am using Soap UI Pro. Why should I my windows creds when adding the service. Please let me know if we need to enable any options.


Appreciate your help on this.





3 Replies

  • Nastya_Khovrina's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi ramu,


    Thank you for the screenshot. So, to access the service where your WSDL file is located you need to provide the credentials. 


    As a workaround, I can recommend that you download the WSDL file to your PC and specify the local path instead of URL.

    • Rama16's avatar

      Thanks for the reply. I found some services are working fine but not others. Is there any way I can find logs to find the root cause of the issue? I see same error even though I provide correct credentails. I tried to download WSDL to local and imported as well.