Forum Discussion

zachsdesignz's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

2.4.0 - When adding a new Item to a request, the response fails with "Incorrect Format"

I upgraded to version 2.4.0 recently and have found that when I use a existing soap api and "Add a new item", I an getting a response of    <Code>Failure</Code>   <Reason>IncorrectFormat</Reason>   when I send it to our endpoint.

4 Replies

  • Olga_T's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi zachsdesignz,


    Do I get it right that in the previous version everything worked correctly for you if performing the same actions?


    Also, could you please clarify what kind of request you are sending? It would be great if you could provide us with a more detailed description of the situation you have faced.


    Thanks in advance,

    • zachsdesignz's avatar
      New Contributor

      OK, so from the Form tab I select Add, the form is auto filled, I then go in and make the changes.  when I send the API request I am getting a failed return.  after further investigation, when I fill out the form and go to the xml tab. the new peice that I added is not added in the xml. zh

      • jhanzeb1's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        Again, did it previously work fine when you did the same thing? Also, the Form view might be enabled to validate your data entry against the parameter, i.e if your parameter expects a string and you enter a number, it will throw an error for invalid data type and will not add to the XML request body. 


        Please review the article below to help you further.


        I very much doubt that it's a version thing, it's most likely a data validation issue. Could you try to do the same in 2.2 version and see if it works?