Forum Discussion

steve_clarke's avatar
9 years ago

upgrade of sql server

We are currently on SQL Server 2012 and this will be upgraded to SQL Server 2014. I have backed up my SoftwarePlanner dbs and can restore them into SQL Server 2014. How do I configure QAComplete to use the SQL Server 2014 instance?

  • Hello Steve,


    Thank you for your post. I will check with our Enterprise team for you, but we will need to know if you are going to upgrade your current SQL instance to 2014 or install a named instance of SQL 2014 on the same machine?


    Thank you,

  • Hi Christiane,


    I will be installing a new instance of SQL Server 2014 and then restoring the Software Planner databases (backed up from the current 2012 instance).

    The issue I have is that I can't seem to find where I configure QAComplete to use the new instance. 

    During the installation process, there is a section that allows you to do this, but the SQLUpdater .exe used in the installation doesn't seem to function independently

    and I don't seem to be able to find an entry in any of the .ini configuration files that have any entries regarding the location of the Software Planner dbs.


    Kind regards,
