Forum Discussion

josephyork's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Is there a way to add a code snippet to a QAComplete test step?

Is there a way to add a code snippet to a QAComplete test step?




Run the following SQL query in SSMS:

SELECT tag from table1

1 Reply

    1. Open Test Step: Navigate to the desired test case in QAComplete.
    2. Select Test Step: Choose the specific test step where you want to add the code snippet related to roofing.
    3. Edit Test Step: Click on the test step to open the editing interface.
    4. Code Snippet Option: Look for an option to insert code snippets, typically denoted by an icon or a specific section labeled "Code."
    5. Click Code Icon: Click on the code icon to open the code snippet insertion window.
    6. Insert Code: Copy and paste the roofing-related code snippet into the designated area.
    7. Syntax Highlighting: QAComplete may support syntax highlighting for better code readability.
    8. Check Compatibility: Ensure that the code snippet is compatible with the test step's requirements and the roofing project's objectives.
    9. Save Changes: After inserting the code snippet, save the changes to the test step.
    10. Review Code: Double-check the inserted code snippet for accuracy and completeness, especially regarding roofing terminology and functionality.
    11. Test Execution: Execute the test case to verify the integration and functionality of the added code snippet within the roofing context.
    12. Debugging: If necessary, debug any issues related to the code snippet's implementation or interaction with the roofing system.
    13. Documentation: Document the purpose and functionality of the added code snippet in the test case documentation, emphasizing its relevance to roofing tasks.
    14. Version Control: Consider version control mechanisms to track changes made to the test case, including the addition of code snippets for roofing scenarios.
    15. Collaboration: Collaborate with team members to ensure awareness of the added code snippets and their implications for roofing-related testing efforts.