Forum Discussion

shaifali_pandya's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

[LoadUIWeb] Verifying scenario on a different server

Is it possible to parameterize the URL ?
  • MPunsky's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Shef,

    I am not sure what you mean when you say parameterize the URL.  If you mean that you want to parameterize a portion of the URL string, example:

    GET /products/list/id324 HTTP/1.1

    The answer is yes!  The instructions are in HELP, just search for:

    "URLs -- Parameterizing of"

    If you want to change the host that you are testing, and I think this is your real question, the answer is also yes:

    The information is also in HELP, just search under:

    "Changing the Tested Server"

    Please let me know how you make out!

  • shaifali_pandya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Michael.

    I do want to change the host that I am testing.

    "Changing the Tested Server" talks about find and replace which works BUT if there are many scenarios it would be easier to change a variable instead of changing all scenarios.
  • shaifali_pandya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Text under "Changing the Server in Request Parameters" in help mentions "Make sure that Look in specifies Current Document or Panel." but the dialog displayed in the link "Find" does not have the option to specify look in.