Forum Discussion

TanyaYatskovska's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
7 years ago

Welcome the New Community Design

Hello Community!


I'm so excited to introduce a new community design of our community site!

We worked hard on simplifiying the main pages so that you could easily find the needed information in the community and chat with other community members. On more improvements is that now the community site should look much better on mobile devices - we have implemented the special support. So, feel free to creat posts from your phones or tablets.

Hurray! :)


Any comments/feedback/suggestions? Feel free to post it here or contact me by sending a private message.



16 Replies

  • cunderw's avatar
    Community Hero

    The new design looks great and the responsive sizing look great on mobile devices. My only feedback would be to decrease white space on desktop devices where there is enough room to pack in more information (or perhaps even a user setting for a compact mode). 

    • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
      Thanks for your feedback, Carson. Are your talking about some specific type of a page, like a topic page?
      • cunderw's avatar
        Community Hero

        Really any page, would be nice if there was a more compact view for all pages. 

  • cunderw's avatar
    Community Hero

    Maybe I just can't find it, but is there a way to only list discusions and not every reply when viewing latest posts? Right now if you view all Test Complete posts it's every reply. Where as if you go into General Discusions it will be listed by topic. 

    • Marsha_R's avatar

      I agree with cunderw.  A "compact" view of some sort would be very useful everywhere.  I have three examples below:


      Example 1


      This toolbar wraps around when it could really be on one line


      Example 2  

      It would be useful to see more than 5 threads here.  Again, wasted white space.  How about a smaller font?




      Example 3

      Once a thread is selected, the focus is put on the last reply, but the individual posts are so big that we can't see any of the other ones at the same time.  Scrolling up only shows one at a time instead of many.  Much wasted space and unnecessary scrolling.


    • Marsha_R's avatar

      In this list, I believe we saw at most one reply to each thread.  Now we are seeing the actual latest posts, which could lead to seeing five replies from one thread and nothing else.  I think limiting it to one per thread gives us better information.


      • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
        Thanks a lot for all your feedback. I'll analyze them to understand what we can improve. As for about the latest posts, I agree with you, Marsha_R. I think it's worth showing the latest topics there, agree?
  • Radford's avatar
    Super Contributor

    I would also like to agree with and add to the "too much white space" comments.


    It feels like the redesign is focus mobile device usability using touch screens rather than a more precise mouse pointer, hence spreading thing out and large font size. Though I would be the first to admit this seems to be the way many website are going, primarily designing for mobile touch devices, though with this web site I am very very rarely on a mobile device. I'm always using it while sat at my desktop PC running Ready API at the same time.


    I would be genuinely interested in knowing the relative numbers of desktop to mobile users.


    More specifically I find the forum posts view like this display a lot less posts per screen meaning its not as easy to visually scan through the list of posts. I've taken to reducing the zoom level to 75%, but then when I go into a post I have to zoom back in again.