Forum Discussion

jomark's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

Emails from Collaborator say "Review Complete and Contains Unread Messages" when there are none

Using Collaborator Team v11.2.11200.  Although most reviews have comments etc, sometimes there are very small reviews that a user simply clicks accept on the one file, and then sends the review to complete.  In this case we get an email that says:



[CodeCollaborator] Review Complete and Contains Unread Messages; Submit changes from Review #___


Start of body:

Review #___: "<description>" is complete and contains unread messages.

You can now commit these changes to version control.

You need to take a look at the unread messages before committing.


However, nothing has been commented on, there are no "unread messages".  Is there a way to distinguish in the emails from a review that is just complete (i.e. Nothing to do here, go ahead and push) versus ones that truly have discussion (i.e. You might have to take action before pushing even if it is something trivial that you trust the author to resolve without having to reexamine it).  With this uncertainty, people with either A) waste time opening every completed review or B) begin to ignore this especially on simple reviews when there might legitimately be something to discuss.


Is this working as intended because even an "accept" without comments is considered a comment (something you want the author to look at)? If so, what actions trigger this behavior, and is it possible to complete a review without "unread comments"?  Or is this a bug that the system thinks there are comments when there are none?  Thank you for your help.