create-review trigger always creates a new review with every svn checkin
I have just installed my 30 day demo, I have 27 days left, I am using the latest CodeReviewer product (yes runinng in codeReviewer mode), I am using a mysql database, any help would be GREATLY appreciated as I would love to purchase this product and improve our review process..
PROBLEM: Subsequent SVN checkins always create new reviews instead of adding to existing ones when appropriate.
======> Here are two cmd lines (I have moved to mannaly running the svn hook trigger to narrow this problem down) which each create seperate reviews, rather than the first creating a new review and the second just adding to the first:
· ccollab --url http://localhost:8080 --user jason --password myPass --scm subversion --svn-repo-url https://scm/repos/alpr --svn-exe /usr/bin/svn admin trigger create-review --review-id-regex "BugzId\s+(\d+)" 1161
· ccollab --url http://localhost:8080 --user jason --password myPass --scm subversion --svn-repo-url https://scm/repos/alpr --svn-exe /usr/bin/svn admin trigger create-review --review-id-regex "BugzId\s+(\d+)" 1162
========> The SVN comments for the two check-in’s were as follows:
Revision 1161 had comments (without the quotes): "BugzId 5927 This is the first checkin"
Revision 1162 had comments (without the quotes): "BugzId 5927 This is a second test"
========> This is the reviews created:
[View] | Finish creating | Jason Skipper | Author | Review #3 BugzId 5927 This is the first checkin | |
[View] | Finish creating | Jason Skipper | Author | Review #4 BugzId 5927 This is a second test |