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jskip's avatar
New Contributor
14 years ago

create-review trigger always creates a new review with every svn checkin

I have just installed my 30 day demo, I have 27 days left, I am using the latest CodeReviewer product (yes runinng in codeReviewer mode), I am using a mysql database, any help would be GREATLY appreciated as I would love to purchase this product and improve our review process..

PROBLEM: Subsequent SVN checkins always create new reviews instead of adding to existing ones when appropriate. 

======> Here are two cmd lines (I have moved to mannaly running the svn hook trigger to narrow this problem down) which each create seperate reviews, rather than the first creating a new review and the second just adding to the first:

·         ccollab --url http://localhost:8080 --user jason --password myPass --scm subversion --svn-repo-url https://scm/repos/alpr --svn-exe /usr/bin/svn admin trigger create-review --review-id-regex "BugzId\s+(\d+)" 1161

·         ccollab --url http://localhost:8080 --user jason --password myPass --scm subversion --svn-repo-url https://scm/repos/alpr --svn-exe /usr/bin/svn admin trigger create-review --review-id-regex "BugzId\s+(\d+)" 1162

========> The SVN comments for the two check-in’s were as follows:

Revision 1161 had comments (without the quotes): "BugzId 5927 This is the first checkin"

Revision 1162 had comments (without the quotes): "BugzId 5927 This is a second test"

========> This is the reviews created:

Finish creating Jason Skipper Author Review #3

BugzId 5927 This is the first checkin

Finish creating Jason Skipper Author Review #4

BugzId 5927 This is a second test

  • Hannah's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Jason,

    I'm sorry, but CodeReviewer does not support SCM triggers or the command-line client. (More information on what is and isn't supported under Code Reviewer can be found here:

    You might try the trial running under CodeCollaborator mode to see if that works for you. You account manager will be able to send you a new trial license code for CodeCollaborator, which you can enter in and it will automatically change the product from Reviewer to Collaborator.

    Hope that helps!

  • jskip's avatar
    New Contributor
    Hanna, first.... thank you for the reply!

    You are correct that Code Reviewer does not support server side triggers, however I am not using any of the CodeCollaborator triggers (these are things that code collaborator does automatically based on review actions).  I am using the code collaborator command line tool to create reviews.  This is a SVN trigger or hook, which uses the cmd line tool.  For my example I am using the cmd line tool directly (no SVN triggers).  Sorry if my initial description was confusing. I should have title it "create-review CMD always creates a new review with every svn checkin".  I hope this clarificaiton helps.
  • Hannah's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Jason,

    Technically, we do not support using the cmd line tool with CodeReviewer.

    But after talking to the developers here, we think this might be another issue. If you'd like to try this with CodeCollaborator, send us a debugging log. Reproduce the issue, but this time, try it with--debug as the first argument to the ccollab executable, and with single quotes around the regular expression. You can email us at

  • jskip's avatar
    New Contributor
    Here are the logs for two check-ins which should have resulted in one review (but did not).  These were done with single quotes as well.  I will change my evaluation 'type' to Collaborator and try again.  Thank you for your time.