Unable to start Appium on iOS Server Side (Appium and other frameworks) job
Was wondering if anyone else had run into this issue:
When running an iOS Server Side (Appium and other frameworks) job, I am not able to start Appium. I am using the default OSX docker image provided by BitBar:
13:34 up 9 mins, 1 user, load averages: 7.31 9.24 7.02
VM Version : 12.7-2024-02-06-0913 build : 2024-02-06 01:24:05 PST
In the output for appium.log, I see only the following line:
[ERROR] Unrecognized arguments: --base-path /wd/hub --port 4723 --log-timestamp --log-no-colors --default-capabilities { "appium:xcodeConfigFile": "/opt/testdroid/appium.xcconfig", "appium:udid": "00008101-0014509C2E38001E", "appium:webDriverAgentUrl": "http://localhost:8102", "appium:webkitDebugProxyPort": 27753, "appium:platformVersion": "16.0", "appium:showXcodeLog": true }
However, I am not adding these arguments in my run-tests.sh... Below is the line I use to start Appium:
appium -U ${UDID}
I have tried a whole bunch of things including installing Appium and the xcuitest driver via my run-tests.sh, I've tried to kill all node.js processes before starting Appium when I'm ready to run my tests.
Every time, Appium fails to start, and I look into the console.log and see:
nc: connectx to localhost port 4723 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc: connectx to localhost port 4723 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc: connectx to localhost port 4723 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc: connectx to localhost port 4723 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc: connectx to localhost port 4723 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc: connectx to localhost port 4723 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc: connectx to localhost port 4723 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc: connectx to localhost port 4723 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
info Service is not responding..
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
I've managed to fix my issue, after testing out various fixes all day.
There was some version of appium on the image, however, it would not work with the default caps that bitbar starts it with.
Using npm list -g I also saw that there was a version of appium-xcuitest-driver installed.
I Added the following lines to my bash script in the appropriate places:sudo npm uninstall -g appium-xcuitest-driver sudo npm uninstall -g appium sudo npm install -g -force appium@2.0.1 sudo appium driver install xcuitest ... #Install coreutils for gtimeout command brew install coreutils sudo appium --base-path /wd/hub --port 4723 --log-timestamp --log-no-colors --default-capabilities '{"appium:xcodeConfigFile": "/opt/testdroid/appium.xcconfig", "appium:udid": "'"$UDID"'", "appium:webDriverAgentUrl": "http://localhost:8102", "appium:webkitDebugProxyPort": 27753, "appium:showXcodeLog": true}' & > appium.log #Wait up to two mins to connect to appium server gtimeout 120s sh -c 'until nc -z $0 $1; do sleep 1; done' localhost 4723
I uninstalled the xcuitest driver. I left in the npm uninstall -g appium command, but it doesn't appear to do anything, so I added -force to the npm install -g -force appium@2.0.1 command (I use that specific version on my local). I can now connect to the ios device.
If any staff see's this, is there any place I can view changelogs and/or update schedules for the default images you guys provide? It feels like every few months I have to update my run-tests.sh file to get it to work again whenever the docker image is updated.