Forum Discussion

SmartBearRD's avatar
8 years ago

There is a Special Replay Procedure Required for Perceived User Experience Reporting

Many customers utilize the feature of Perceived User Experience Reporting, which yields valuable “First Paint” and “Above the Fold” timing data for your DejaClick transactions. It is important to realize that there is a special procedure to follow to properly obtain this data. There have been several recent Customer Care cases where customers have recorded a transaction in Chrome and directly uploaded it to a FireFox monitor and enabled User Experience. This is an incorrect procedure. Currently, only transactions that are replayed in FireFox (in a special manner) can be uploaded to FireFox transaction monitors where they can be properly enabled for Perceived User Experience. One can record the transaction in Chrome; however, it must be replayed in User Experience Mode in FireFox before being uploaded.


To replay the transaction in User Experience Mode, in the DejaClick toolbar: (1) Place your cursor on the third icon from the RIGHT side and under Quick Settings, Select the check bar Replay for User Experience. (2) Once Replay for User Experience is enabled, replay the transaction. (3) You will see a pop-up mentioning that there will be a screen-size adjust; just click YES. The Replay in User Experience Mode will be slower than a normal replay, as DejaClick is collecting more information than normal especially on dynamic content. (4) Once the replay is complete, upload it from this mode immediately and in UXM under the Advanced tab, select the Enable UX check box in the User Experience section. Please review the documentation (see below) for further instructions.


Here is a short video showing how simple it is to replay in User Experience Mode before uploading:


Replay for Perceived User Experience in FireFox


Please review the Documentation on Perceived User Experience here:


This post is the result of a Knowledge Base article which can be found here:

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