Forum Discussion

SmartBearRD's avatar
7 years ago

Running DejaClick without Full Page Enabled May Cause Errors

Some customers run DejaClick without Full Page enabled and experience status 0/green runs; however, we are seeing Customer Care cases where DejaClick is in error and the solution is to simply enable Full Page (FULLPAGE INTERVAL = ON in UXM & Check Page Objects = ON in AlertSite 1.0) 


One needs to keep in mind that when the DejaClick transaction is recorded, that DejaClick has all advantage of Full Page data as the browser is receiving full page data on all objects during the recording. If one then uploads and runs the transaction without full page data available to DejaClick, DejaClick may be 'handicapped' without this full page data and go into error. One method is to record the transaction without objects; it used to be simple to disable objects in the browser, but this is no longer so. If one does intend to run DejaClick without full page, then it is advised that one runs a Test On Demand without full page. (In Test On Demand under Options one can uncheck Fullpage before running the test in Chrome or select the disabled radio button in FireFox.) If the Test On Demand passes, then DejaClick can run fine without the fullpage data. If there is an error, try enabling fullpage. 


The error-types we are seeing are ST97 & ST81 normally and sometimes ST82. If you have a DejaClick transaction that goes into error and you have fullpage disabled, please enable fullpage and see if this solves the issue before opening a case with Customer Care. 


For those customers running DejaClick without fullpage enabled, you are missing out on the value of seeing the HTTP waterfall data which contains the data and timings of the objects that are called during the run. In UXM just click the + on the far right of the run, click DETAIL REPORT and then click the View Transaction Detail icon on the far left to see the HTTP waterfall. 

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