Forum Discussion

gkunkel's avatar
New Contributor
10 months ago

Using Zephyr API's to Migrate From Squad To Scale

I've been told that I can use the Zephyr for Jira API to migrate test cycles and test executions from Squad to Scale -- specifically the GetListOfExecutions call. However, this will only give me a list of executions for a given issue id.  How do I get a list of executions for an entire project? 

And for that matter, is there a tutorial on using this API? I've run into a lot of surprises when trying to use it (ex. projectId is actually an integer value rather than project name). 

  • Conradb's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Hi Kunkel, did you manage to make some progress on this. About to start on the API and keen to find newbie friendly documentation as well.

    • gkunkel's avatar
      New Contributor

      I made progress on learning how to extract data from Squad. Now moving on to the parsing the data so it can be migrated into Scale. 

  • Conradb's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Thanks for the encouragement, hope you win. Do you have links to the api documentation that specifically helped you figure it all out? I'm starting from scratch in Squad, and finding just getting started with basics to be hard without knowing any of the terminology even. Any docs that helped you start out?

  • gkunkel's avatar
    New Contributor

    I had a Zoom call with Zephyr Squad support who let me know which calls to make to extract the Cycle and Execution data. 

    .../rest/zapi/latest/cycle?projectId=10301 for cycle data on a project and .../rest/zapi/latest/zql/executeSearch?zqlQuery=project+%3D+%22ATI%22&offset=0&maxRecords=10&expand=executionStatus

    I'm still trying to figure out how to parse and load the data into Scale.

    Right now, I've run into a few issues getting the Test Case data migrated -- mostly internal stuff: couldn't access the site for the file converter, couldn't save the XML, missing the npm component ... Uggh!

    • Conradb's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Oh, it would be rude to laugh now, but data migrations are always like that. More expensive than they look. But at least you are making progress now. I hope to also progress my journey, good to know I'm not the only person struggling to get started.