Forum Discussion

Sagar_SF's avatar
Occasional Visitor
3 years ago

Selenium integration with Zephyr

Hello Team,

I'm using Zephyr Squad for automation testing using Selenium. Please find the steps below
1. Writing the test cases in Zephyr Squad
2. Adding those test cases to a new test cycle.
3. I've added the plugin "Zephyr for JIRA Test Management plugin" and used "Publish test result to Zephyr in Zira"
in Jenkins.
4. When I'm execute the selenium script from Jenkins, it will automatically update the Status of the test cases in Zephyr.

My concern, the test cases are only updating when the Summary of the test case in Zephyr squad in below
format "PackageName.ClassName.MethodName" which will be a difficult in a real time scenario.

Is there any method where we can map our test cases in Zephyr to selenium using the test case ID?

Please assist

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