How to execute test script steps multiple times within same execution record
Hi ,
We have a scenario in testing where we would like to re-execute same test steps multiple times with different test data in same test execution record. Can any one please suggest how we can do this in Zephyr dynamically.
There is few alternative's below we were thinking :- :
Enter the same steps multiple times using different input data in test script in Zephyr (where steps need to be re-executed) , but this way we need to write/repeat same steps multiple time in test script and that will make test script static.
Alternative 2:-
Create another test execution record , and re-execute all the test steps again , but this is time consuming and tester may not want to re-execute whole test steps again except few where he/she is interested . So this alternative was rejected in consideration.
I was wondering is there a way we can dynamically generate the few set of test steps multiple times in Zephyr in the same execution record , so that tester can only re-execute few steps with different data in that execution record . And continue all other test steps of execution in regular fashion.
Rajeev Gautam