How to add description, startdate and enddate while creating new test cycle using Rest api
I have integrated test automation and zephyr. So from python code using create new cycle rest api I am trying to create new cycle but if description, start date and end date added in payload then 403 error is getting for create cycle REST api.
payload = {"name": userInput["testCycleName"], "build": userInput["buildNumber"],"startDate": "2022-11-9","endDate": "2022-11-9","description" : "this is test cycle", "environment": userInput["environment"],"projectId": projectId, "versionId": versionId}
Rest api used -
payload = {"name": userInput["testCycleName"], "build": userInput["buildNumber"], "environment": userInput["environment"],"projectId": projectId, "versionId": versionId} --- with this payload cycle is getting created but if we add description , end date , start date it is not working.
Can anyone help with the solution?