zephyscale plugins load indefinilty 'all test page'
recently facing an issue regarding the plugin zephyr scale version 9.13.0
it load correctly on some project and not on bigger project :
it keep looping. i can see the log file zephyrscale "
2023-05-08 14:31:57,104-0400 http-nio-8080-exec-43 ERROR slabute 866x63526x30 1tnm2gj,, /rest/tests/1.0/project/14100/foldertree/testcase [c.k.t.s.rest.privateapi.PrivateRestServiceExceptionHandler] Zephyr Scale - Error
com.querydsl.core.QueryException: Caught SQLServerException for select "FOLDER"."ID" as "id", "FOLDER"."PROJECT_ID" as "projectId", "FOLDER"."PARENT_ID" as "parentId", "FOLDER"."INDEX" as "index", "FOLDER"."NAME" as "name", "FOLDER"."CREATED_ON" as "createdOn", "FOLDER"."CREATED_BY" as "createdBy", "FOLDER"."UPDATED_BY" as "updatedBy", "FOLDER"."UPDATED_ON" as "updatedOn", count("AO_4D28DD_TEST_CASE"."ID") as "itemsCount" from "jiraschema"."AO_4D28DD_FOLDER" "FOLDER" left join "jiraschema"."AO_4D28DD_TEST_CASE" "AO_4D28DD_TEST_CASE" on "AO_4D28DD_TEST_CASE"."PROJECT_ID" = ? and "AO_4D28DD_TEST_CASE"."LATEST_VERSION" = ? and "AO_4D28DD_TEST_CASE"."ARCHIVED" = ? and "AO_4D28DD_TEST_CASE"."FOLDER_ID" = "FOLDER"."ID" where "FOLDER"."PROJECT_ID" = ? and "FOLDER"."FOLDER_TYPE" = ? group by "FOLDER"."ID", "FOLDER"."PROJECT_ID", "FOLDER"."PARENT_ID", "FOLDER"."INDEX", "FOLDER"."NAME", "FOLDER"."CREATED_ON", "FOLDER"."CREATED_BY", "FOLDER"."UPDATED_ON", "FOLDER"."UPDATED_BY"
i can see the same on the sql server the query that do that.
the query finaly timed out.
thanks for your help.