Forum Discussion

BLC's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Zephyr Scale Cloud - junitreports xml only imports the test results for a single test case.

When importing with a curl statement the junitreports xml file for test results, only the very last test in the xml imports in the newly created test cycle. I've done zip with two files and two test cases are imported. Is there something that needs to be done to import ALL the test cases executed in a suit?

additional info:
I have a class setup for groups of tests, so I have test annotation at the method level, which means the class generates a report with multiple test cases under it at the method level. I want each method to import as a test case, they all have the KEY_T# for the test case they are for. But it only creates a single one out of all the tests in the xml. 

UPDATE: 08-10-2023 
looks like the "system-out" is breaking it. When I delete all those tags it works, but I want the system out in the email-able report. What needs to be done for the system-out to be in there and still work? The system-out tag is for the Report.log comments I have log after each step is completed.

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