Forum Discussion

kking's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Zephyr Scale - is there a way to separate Custom Fields by Project

We have a series of Projects, each with unique Features. We track tests based on which Features they test. We have a Custom Field for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary features tested. What we are seeing is that the Features list in Primary shows up in all Projects. That is not what we want to see. Can anyone provide ideas on how to keep this from bleeding over?
The options we are presently considering are:

1) having unique Custom Fields: Project1-Primary

2) having unique Features: Project1-Feature1

We would prefer not to have to do either, but no one here seems to know if it is possible or not. Are there any good options?

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I'm not sure if I understand the issue correctly but reading between the lines it sounds like you've setup your Zephyr Scale (ZS) project to contain test cases from multiple projects?  The problem in this scenario is that custom fields are applicable to all items within the project.  If I've understood that correctly then you have the suggestions you mention but there is also the Components and Labels fields that might offer a different solution and experience.


    Did I understand correctly?

    • kking's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Perhaps, I'm new to ZS, so I'm not certain of the terminology. I was hoping the image I provided would be visible to help out, but apparently it doesn't automatically display. I'll try again in text form...


      We have 4 separate Products under the Projects tab. Each Project has a Custom Field of Primary (each also has a Secondary and Tertiary field as well). The Custom Field named Primary is supposed to have a unique set of features, one set for each Project. At the moment, all of the Projects see the same set of features under Primary, which is not the desired behavior. We are trying to see if we can set up the Projects to have unique Primary fields, each filled with their own unique feature set. So far, we believe the only solution is to make each Primary (and Secondary/Tertiary) Custom Field unique to the Project, such as P1-Primary, P2-Primary, etc...

      We are hoping to find a cleaner way, and separate the Primaries by Project, but are unsure if such is possible. Does that help clarify what we are trying to do?

    • kking's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks, MisterB. I believe you understand correctly. However, I started with Zephyr about a week ago (among all the other things I'm doing), so I haven't had time to look into what Components and Labels are.

      Can we use them to select a list of tests to run? I was told we needed the Custom Fields to do that. Note that the person guiding me is only a slight bit ahead of me on the curve and even more overloaded than I am (which is how I got stuck with this).
      Where can I find out more about Components and Labels fields?

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi.  I can see the image you posted.  I'm confused why you're having this issue because Zephyr is linked to a single project; so the custom fields you have in Project A + Zephyr are as far as I know unique to that project, and Project B + Zephyr would have different custom fields and values.  Maybe what's happened is that the projects have been cloned/copied from each other, and the custom fields and values have been brought across, or, they have been manually changed. to match.


    Perhaps you could check by adding a new value into one of the projects and checking if that shows up in one of the other projects?


    If you'd like some direct help I can do a screenshare session and give you some guidance on using Zephyr.  Let me know?

    • kking's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I'm not yet ready for a screen-share session, it's not a blocker, just on the horizon. Doing what research I can to smooth the way. On closer examination, all 4 are in the same Project, just different first level folders in the Test Cases tab.
      That explains why all of them see the same Primary list. I have passed the info back up the chain to determine if we'll keep it all in one project with 4 folders and unique Custom Fields, or if they want to make separate Projects and move things around.

      Thanks for all the help, I won't close this until I hear back regarding the path forward, as there may be additional requests for assistance from me on this topic.