Upload test results including info for a testrun (Curl and Python)
I want to upload test results to Zephyr Scale for Jira server using the Rest API automation/execution/<projectKey>.
I can create a cycle and upload test results successfully, but the test cycle info are not applied to the test run in Zephyr Scale.
I tried both Curl and Python, but both failed to upload the test cycle info.
# Curl
curl -X POST "https://<Jira Server>/rest/atm/1.0/automation/execution/<projectKey>?autoCreateTestCases=true" -H "Authorization: Bearer <Jira Token>" -F 'testCycle="{\"name\":\"Full regression\",\"description\":\"Any additional description can be added here.\",\"customFields\":{\"Build Number\":20}}";type=application/json' -F "file=@demo_output.zip"
{"testCycle":{"id":141065,"key":"<projectKey>-C159","url":"https://<Jira Server>/secure/Tests.jspa#/testPlayer/<projectKey>-C159"}}
# Python
import os
from json import dumps
import requests
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
baseURL = "https://<jira server>/rest/atm/1.0/automation/execution/<projectKey>?autoCreateTestCases=True"
testCycle = {
"name": "Full regression",
"description": "Any additional description can be added here.",
"customFields": {
"Build Number": 20
files = {
'testCycle': (None, dumps(testCycle), 'application/json'),
'file': (os.path.basename(file), open(file, 'rb'), 'application/zip')
headers={"Authorization": "Bearer <Jira token>"}
response = session.post(baseURL,files=files,headers=headers)
Does somebody has a solution or a working example to this in Curl and Python? Thanks.