Forum Discussion

Sandy1's avatar
New Contributor
12 months ago

Traceability report export workarounds?

Hi Community,


Does anyone have a workaround to get traceability reports into excel? The two ways I have tried so far is literally copy and pasting from the visual report in to excel - no surprises that that didn't go well ðŸ™‚ Then I tried saving as a PDF and using Acrobat Pro to export to excel - that was marginally better but the table formatting requires a fair of rework and you get all the icons and graphics embedded too, so it's not something that could be integrated into an automated reporting workflow. I would welcome any ideas around this.


I can see traceability information is contained in the execution excel exports so I assume this is the only way to do it via exporting currently? Not the end of the world but I'm trying to avoid as much excel jiggery pokery as possible.


(side note: I've also raised a product feature request for the ability to do traceability reporting on the linking done at a test cycle level. I can't even fathom the point of being able to link test cycles to jira issues if you can't then report on it!). 

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