Forum Discussion

NikTester's avatar
Occasional Visitor
4 years ago

I want to know does smartbear support uploading of automation test results from mochaaweosme report

I want to know does smartbear support uploading of automation test results from mochaaweosme report to Zephyr Scale.


I'm using Cypress and Automation tool & we are generating mochaawesome report ,want to upload automated test result to Zephyr scale upon genartion on mochaawesome report.


Sample report format : 


"stats": {
"suites": 1,
"tests": 3,
"passes": 3,
"pending": 0,
"failures": 0,
"start": "2021-08-11T16:33:50.466Z",
"end": "2021-08-11T16:35:22.324Z",
"duration": 90939,
"testsRegistered": 3,
"passPercent": 100,
"pendingPercent": 0,
"other": 0,
"hasOther": false,
"skipped": 0,
"hasSkipped": false
"results": [
"uuid": "a19b02c4-cdbc-4ac9-8aee-cd0da0bf0327",
"title": "",
"fullFile": "cypress/@tests/ui/module/customer/controlPanel/",
"file": "cypress/@tests/ui/module/customer/controlPanel/",
"beforeHooks": [],
"afterHooks": [],
"tests": [],
"suites": [
"uuid": "c7df7c08-ec13-435f-b092-224272c04906",
"title": "Customer - Verify Control Panel Components",
"fullFile": "",
"file": "",
"beforeHooks": [],
"afterHooks": [],
"tests": [
"title": "Control Panel - Verify Search filter with Valid Search test",
"fullTitle": "Customer - Verify Control Panel Components Control Panel - Verify Search filter with Valid Search test",
"timedOut": null,
"duration": 33068,
"state": "passed",
"speed": "slow",
"pass": true,
"fail": false,
"pending": false,
"context": null,
"code": "const beforeSearchFilterValue = 'before', afterSearchFilterValue = 'after';\n_support_workflowHelper_controlPanelHelper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[\"verifySearchFilterWithValidInputApplied\"](beforeSearchFilterValue, afterSearchFilterValue);",
"err": {},
"uuid": "1ef92cde-8bdd-420f-b06b-3d716a195103",
"parentUUID": "c7df7c08-ec13-435f-b092-224272c04906",
"isHook": false,
"skipped": false
"title": "Control Panel - Verify Search filter result with No Applied Filter test",
"fullTitle": "Customer - Verify Control Panel Components Control Panel - Verify Search filter result with No Applied Filter test",
"timedOut": null,
"duration": 34705,
"state": "passed",
"speed": "slow",
"pass": true,
"fail": false,
"pending": false,
"context": null,
"code": "const beforeSearchFilterValue = 'before', afterSearchFilterValue = 'after';\n_support_workflowHelper_controlPanelHelper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[\"verifySearchFilterWithNoFilterApplied\"](beforeSearchFilterValue, afterSearchFilterValue);",
"err": {},
"uuid": "3a98c033-bfb5-484c-9eb4-a7bcd53f2f8f",
"parentUUID": "c7df7c08-ec13-435f-b092-224272c04906",
"isHook": false,
"skipped": false
"title": "Control Panel - Verify Search filter with InValid Search test",
"fullTitle": "Customer - Verify Control Panel Components Control Panel - Verify Search filter with InValid Search test",
"timedOut": null,
"duration": 23166,
"state": "passed",
"speed": "slow",
"pass": true,
"fail": false,
"pending": false,
"context": null,
"code": "const beforeSearchFilterValue = 'before', afterSearchFilterValue = 'after';\n_support_workflowHelper_controlPanelHelper__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[\"verifySearchFilterWithInvalidInput\"](beforeSearchFilterValue, afterSearchFilterValue);",
"err": {},
"uuid": "c67bcf94-a71c-4ddb-a74e-1646840c6aa0",
"parentUUID": "c7df7c08-ec13-435f-b092-224272c04906",
"isHook": false,
"skipped": false
"suites": [],
"passes": [
"failures": [],
"pending": [],
"skipped": [],
"duration": 90939,
"root": false,
"rootEmpty": false,
"_timeout": 2000
"passes": [],
"failures": [],
"pending": [],
"skipped": [],
"duration": 0,
"root": true,
"rootEmpty": true,
"_timeout": 2000
"meta": {
"mocha": {
"version": "7.0.1"
"mochawesome": {
"options": {
"quiet": false,
"reportFilename": "mochawesome",
"saveHtml": false,
"saveJson": true,
"consoleReporter": "spec",
"useInlineDiffs": false,
"code": true
"version": "6.2.2"
"marge": {
"options": {
"id": "default",
"reportDir": "cypress/reports/mocha",
"quite": true,
"overwrite": false,
"html": false,
"json": true,
"timestamp": "mmddyyyy_HHMMss"
"version": "5.2.0"