Forum Discussion

AnastasiaD's avatar
Regular Visitor
3 years ago

How to avoid unnecessary test cases being added to Jira after the original test case was cloned

I experienced following behavior:
A test case has been created in Zephyr Scale and attached to a Jira ticket. After a while this original test case was cloned to create new tickets with almost the same steps but renamed, updated and saved as new test cases. When I checked the Jira ticket, I saw that all cloned test cases were automatically added to that ticket.


Is this expected behavior that the cloned test cases are automatically added to the ticket in Jira? Is there a setting that can turn it off?

Could you please advise if there any other ways to avoid such confusion with wrong test cases being added to a Jira ticket besides not to clone test cases?

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I've not come across this scenario yet but I guess when a test case is cloned the cloned test case includes a link to issues (tickets) that were created in the original test case, and that's why they're added to the ticket.  You could test this to see if that's what's happening.  I'm guessing this is also expected behaviour but it doesn't sound desirable and I would raise it with SmartBear support for further guidance (if you haven't already ğŸ™‚).