Forum Discussion

devopthereal's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

How to attach evidence to a test execution(test result) through rest api


 I am looking for the rest api , to attach evidence to a test execution . If I elaborate 


I created the test execution with status as PASS or FAIL and as part of this I want to add an evidence a .jpg or .png or .zip file and through automation only (REST API)

Any example 

  • As I discussed with SmartBear team, no api end point available as of now, it is in their roadmap and under consideration. 

2 Replies

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Looking at the API and based on what little I know about it, there doesn't seem to be an endpoint for updating a test execution - you can only create a test execution, and even that seems limited according to the documentation.  I think you're best contacting SmartBear support for advice.  You can reach them here: SmartBear Support


    It would be great if you could share your findings with the community! 🙂


    • devopthereal's avatar
      New Contributor

      As I discussed with SmartBear team, no api end point available as of now, it is in their roadmap and under consideration.