Forum Discussion

jmcleer's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

How do you utilize the 'Iteration' field for a Test Cycle

The Details screen for a test cycle has a field for "Iteration".  It has a dropdown picklist but the only option is "None".  I can find no way to utilize this field or any documentation explaining its use.  If anyone out there can help I would appreciate it.



  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    The Iteration field, like Components and other fields, can be configured by clicking the Configuration button (top right-hand corner).  To be able to use you need to first create the values:


    • jmcleer's avatar
      New Contributor
      Thank you for the reply. I received an initial reply from a Lucas Timm who pointed me to the Configuration button and where I can add input value for "Iterations". In his response he said "Iteration is a field that is intended to get used by Test Plans". I asked him a follow-up question but did not hear back. That question was that I see the "Iteration" field as a choice for a Test Cycle, as I show below. I see no such choice for Test Plan so I asked for clarification. Thank you.

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I don't see it as an option in Test Plans so it seems that's not where it is supposed to be used.  I've not used Iterations yet but I could see it being useful for tracking multiple executions of an entire test cycle (e.g. you plan to execute a test cycle 5 times and want to know which iteration you're currently managing) or maybe you want to execute multiple iterations for different stages of your project, e.g. Build, Production, and Regression.  I'm just throwing out ideas off the top of my head so I'm not suggesting these are great uses for it but I think it helps to illustrate how it could be used (in my opinion) ğŸ™‚