Forum Discussion

mweinstock's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Ability to Assign Steps to Specific Users

Howdy y'all - 


Long time Zephyr Scale user here (used it when it was TM4J!).


We have a use case where we have E2E tests that different parts of the business will be running different portions of the test. Our challenge is that the tests are assigned, rather than steps. Any thoughts on how we could approach this or anyone know if this is on the Zephyr backlog?

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I think you're after the "Call to Test" feature.  It allows you to add/call other tests into your test case, thus each test case you call becomes a test step in your test case - really useful...





  • mweinstock's avatar
    New Contributor

    thanks MisterB - not sure this addresses my issue fully. For my team's needs I would need to assign those "sub-tests" in the call to test feature to different people while still maintaining the workflow of steps. Though when I use the "call to test" feature, it appears I am still only assigning the overall test to 1 person as it's still one test. Unfortunately unless I am misunderstanding how to use the functionality.

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I think I understand.  There might be a way to do this, and I've not yet discovered how, and in that case, can I suggest you contact the SmartBear support team who will definitely know the answer.  You can contact them here: Support Portal