Forum Discussion

deanhowell's avatar
Occasional Visitor
5 years ago

Zephyr for Jira - Test Cycle - Test Data

I have a number of test cycles where the data needed is at the test cycle level but the Zephyr for Jira has the steps and test data at the test level. 


For example: We have a series of tests that are designed to validate various aspects of a CAD drawing based on the purpose of the drawing. There are five different drawing purposes but we have two or more drawings that cover various aspects of the purpose. Purpose 1 has drawing 1 and 2, Purpose 2 has drawings 3,4 and 5, etc


The first test is to ensure that the plan is uploaded correctly for each purpose. In this test the test steps have the option to create the step and include the test data and results but there are multiple drawings that need to be tested.





What is the best practice for creating the tests and test cycles to allow for data to be allocated at the test cycle level?

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