SwaggerSocket support in Swagger ?!
we want to do REST with WebSockets, and we have perfect reasons to do it.
There is the SwaggerSocket specifications (for websockets with REST), it looked perfect for our needs !!!
In Swagger UI (Open API) we see that we can select the schemes "ws" and "wss" (in addition to http/https),
so this looked promising... (Swagger UI supporting the SwaggerSocket specs ?!!!)
However, when selecting "ws" and "wss" and when testing a REST request, nothing happends when cklicking on "Execute"... when opening the developper tools of the web browser, we see in the console "Fetch API cannot load wss:{host}/{path}. URL scheme must be "http" or "https" for CORS request".
So it looks like - with ws/wss - the Swagger UI wants to do an HTTP(S) request (new XMLHttpRequest) with a URL starting with "ws:" or "wss:" scheme,
however we would rather expect a WebSocket connection (new WebSocket) to be initiated ...
The Swagger doc is also poor on "ws", "wss" schemes and we find nothing stating that Swagger UI supports SwaggerSockets ...
So is SwaggerSocket simply not (/no more) supported in Swagger UI, or are we doing something wrong ?
Thanks in advance,