6 years agoOccasional Visitor
Security scheme - how to have a key that's dependendant on the server
Hello, I have a question about environments and variables.
The situation is that I have a production and a staging environment. The auth uses the 'Cookie' header, but with a different key for each environment. E.g.
GET prod.example.com/test Cookie:PROD=<access_token>
GET staging.example.com/test
How can I represent this in swagger? Following the docs I made the following swagger.json:
{ "openapi": "3.0.0", "info": { "version": "1.0.0", "title": "" }, "servers": [ { "url": "https://{env}.example.com", "variables": { "env": { "enum": [ "staging", "prod" ], "default": "prod" } } } ], "paths": { "/test": { "get": { "security": [ { "UserKeyAuth": [] } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "" } } } } }, "components": { "securitySchemes": { "UserKeyAuth": { "type": "apiKey", "in": "cookie", "name": "PROD" } } } }
Is there any way to say the 'UserKeyAuth' depends on the server env, and include the 'STAGING' key somwhere?