Forum Discussion

TanyaYatskovska's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
7 years ago

Getting Started with Swagger


Welcome to the Swagger Community!



In the Swagger Community, feel free to post questions about:


- Open-source Swagger tools developed by SmartBear: Swagger Editor, Swagger UI, Swagger Codegen, Swagger Core, and others

OpenAPI Specification


Note: If you are using any other tools where you work with the OpenAPI Specification, please address them to the community that supports these tools. Thank you.



We will be happy to help you get started with Swagger tools and grow your expertise in the products.


Watch a short video guide on the left ⬅️ or keep reading to learn how to use the Swagger Community to benefit from it the most. 


Quick start

The Swagger Community is the perfect place to start your product journey and master your skills:


Ask Questions


Start a discussion or search for solutions on the Swagger forum! We have Community Leaders and Heroes all around the world who will be happy to assist you. 




Help Your Peers and Become a Community Leader


Found a thread you know a solution to? Feel free to submit your answer! Submitting replies will grow your authority amongst the community members and will help you become a Community Leader or Hero. Read more about the Leaders and Heroes program here.   





more Smartbear resources

  • Swagger site - explore helpful resources to get answers to your questions and learn more about Swagger tools.
  • Community Guidelines - learn basic SmartBear Community rules and, please, don't break them.


  • jr's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    To simply put, Integrating swagger with any tool is a nightmare. Docuemnts are great example of how not to write a document. I believe that most of the people would end up writing YAML file manually. 


    For example, read this document "How to use swagger without maven ? ". This is a partial document. I have downloaded dependencies then what should I do with them??


    • nmrao's avatar
      Champion Level 2

      Not sure which tools you tried and landed into issues. Specifics would help both readers / community members and SmartBear team to address the issues.


      Had experienced issues with OpenAPI (Swagger definition  3.0) i.e., A swagger definition with version 3.0 is not even supported by SmartBear's SoapUI Open Source editon 5.4.0 which is a bit strange.  However, SoapUI works well with Swagger defintion 2.0.

    • sujithsamv's avatar
      New Contributor

      Kindly let me know that,

      jr wrote:

      To simply put, Integrating swagger with any tool is a nightmare. Docuemnts are great example of how not to write a document. I believe that most of the people would end up writing YAML file manually. 


      For example, read this document "How to use swagger without maven ? ". This is a partial document. I have downloaded dependencies then what should I do with them??


      is there any solution in python/ jquery