Forum Discussion

AshishKaushik's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

generate dot net SDK using swagger



Iam trying to generate the SDK in dot net core using swagger (yaml file) ,using swagger codegen ,does it support the SDK generation in dot net core ?



Ashish Kaushik

4 Replies

  • Hello, yes, it is supported, you can generate code using codegen, this is an example with CLI codegen app:


    java -jar modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i inputFile.yaml -l aspnetcore -o output-dir
    • AshishKaushik's avatar
      New Contributor

      I tried this but got this error :


      Exception thrown: 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' in Newtonsoft.Json.dll Exception thrown: 'Ens.Sdk.Client.ApiException' in Ens.Sdk.dll

      • AshishKaushik's avatar
        New Contributor

        Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't load config class with name aspnetcore Available: android