Forum Discussion

noittom's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Convert OpenAPI object into Json

Hi, I want to publish OpenAPI json via Rest by myself .

I managed to get openApi based on my Java code, now I =need to get json - how to do it ?



OpenAPI oas = new OpenAPI();
Info info = new Info()
.description("This is ..")
.contact(new Contact()
.license(new License()
.name("Apache 2.0")
SwaggerConfiguration oasConfig = new SwaggerConfiguration()

OpenApiContext openApiContext =new JaxrsOpenApiContextBuilder()

now openApiContext has all the info - how to get it as JSON ?

(one of the reason I am asking is that I didnt manage swagger core to publish my open API spec (I use spring and not JAX and I do not want to use springfox )

  • apparently you can do it like this:


    so in total there is a nice way to get openAPI for your code in your java program  

  • noittom's avatar
    New Contributor

    apparently you can do it like this:


    so in total there is a nice way to get openAPI for your code in your java program