Forum Discussion

HenrikHL's avatar
Frequent Contributor
4 years ago

Swagger compliance and queryParameter-suffix-filtering (example: ?birthday:gte=...)

Hi all,

A question regarding compliance towards a Swagger Spec:

We (our company) have decided to use suffix-notation-filters on queryParameters when filtering items in a GET endpoint returning a collection (examples: >= (gte), > (gt), <= (lte) or < (lt)).


Use case: get all users born after or on 2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00


GET /users?birthday:gte=2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00


Now - how should the query parameter (birthday) be defined in SwaggerSpec in order for the input to be valid?


Would the following specification be ok:


  in: query
  name: birthday
  description: | 
    Limit the result based on birthday. It is possible to use operators on this query parameter by suffixing birthday with a colon and an operator at the end:
    would result in all users with birthday >= 2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
    The following operators are supported
    - :gte (>= Greater than or equal)
    type: string
    format: date-time



What I mean here is - should the operator be part of the SwaggerSpec name?


If someone is passing the ?birthday:gte=... as queryParameter - this is not compliant towards the SwaggerSpec (as it requires the queryParameter to be birthday without the :gte)!

  • HenrikHL's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    joejoyce does SwaggerHub have an official way to do this?


    How should the above queryParameters be defined in order to be Swagger Compliant?

    • HenrikHL's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi again,

      I was just asked by my company if there were any updates on this - I was kind of hoping that you joejoyce were going to come with an official answer 😉

      So - how should I solve the fact that I want all birthdays after a specific point in time as a query parameter?

      • HKosova's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        HenrikHL there's no straighforward way to do this. You can try defining the birthday schema as an object with four properites "birthday:gt", "birthday:gte", "birthday:lt", "birthday:lte" and limit this object to at most 1 property. By default, objects in queries are serialized so that the property name become the actual parameter names, i.e.


          "birthday:gt": "2021-06-30T20:50:27.577Z"


        will be sent as





        The parameter definition would look like this:


                - in: query
                  name: birthday
                  description: ...
                    type: object
                    minProperties: 1
                    maxProperties: 1
                    additionalProperties: false
                        type: string
                        format: date-time
                        type: string
                        format: date-time
                        type: string
                        format: date-time
                        type: string
                        format: date-time



        OpenAPI 3.1's new keywords patternProperties and propertyNames will make this a bit easier by supporting regexes like ^birthday:([gl]te?)$ to define the allowed property names in schemas.