Forum Discussion

hagod's avatar
Occasional Visitor
7 years ago

How to describe client logic on swagger?

Hello! I am new for swagger and I want to ask you about it's features. We need to make documentation of our API, but I can't find how I can describe client logic? We use some kind of binary protocol and we need to make signature for every API request. The client logic is necessary for making signatures and I'd like to describe this logic in our API documentation. Can I do it on swagger?
  • Hi,


    This forum is for SwaggerHub functionality, this sounds more like a general question related to use of the specification.  From what I know clients that need to sign requests is not part of the specification.  You can ask this in the Swagger Forum or IRC channel.  Links below for both.


    Swagger Forum -> 

    Swagger IRC channel ->




    SmartBear Support