Forum Discussion

garydong66's avatar
Occasional Visitor
7 years ago

Generated inflector-server doesn't work

I created an Openapi 3.0 script (attached). I also generated the java-client (attached) and inflector-server(attached) code. 

I uncomment the genearted code in the io.swagger.controllers.IngestController and io.swagger.controllers.AllActiveNotamIDController classes. I also changed the status from "Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" to "Status.OK". 

I built the swagger-inflector-server-1.0.0.war and deployed it to Tomcat 8.5.32.

Within the generated swagger-java-client code, I changed the ApiClient::basePath to the right value.

I use the geneated test class within the swagger-java-client  package to send a http request. By debugging the inflector-server code, I can tell the request had arrived the inflector-server and then I see the inflector-server reported a HTTP 404 response to the client.


Could someone tell me what I did wrong?


I really appreciate any hep ahead.



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