Forum Discussion

marbenitez_fala's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Error downloading resolved API

Hello I have an API that is valid (all checks ok) and when I try to download the resolved API I get this error without any other information "Cannot resolve invalid API definition, please fix any syntax issues.".


There are no external references or links.



  • HKosova's avatar
    4 years ago

    The problem is caused by the default value of the sellableFrom property in the SupplyLogisticSku and SupplyOffering schemas (lines 877 and 948):

              type: string
              format: date-time
              example: "2021-01-05T05:25:20.279Z"
              default: "current time"     <-----------

    The "date-time" format is used for RFC 3339-style date-time values, and the string "current time" is not a valid date-time value. Removing this line will resolve the issue.


    Note that OpenAPI does not have a way to specify dynamic values for schema attributes. In other words, there is no way to define the default / minimum / maximum value as, say, "current time", "current year" or "today minus 10 years".

  • HKosova's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi marbenitez_fala,

    Please open a support ticket and include a link to your API definition. Our support engineers will check what might be wrong. If your API is private, please also share it with swaggerhub-support.

    • marbenitez_fala's avatar
      Occasional Contributor
      Thanks, we will open the ticket, please guide me in sharing with swaggerhub-support.

      * Do I need to add swaggerhub-support as member?
      * When I try to add that name in the API I get this message: Invitation ErrorThe following account(s) are invalid and do not exist in the system: swaggerhub-support


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