Forum Discussion

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Community Manager
11 months ago

How can I change the order of articles?

Originally posted by user theCoolNoob to the Stoplight Community on 12/28/2022 at 06:25 ET.

They seem to be ordered alphabetically and I don't see any other option. Other than maybe numbering them manually? Thanks.


  • Stoplight's avatar
    Community Manager

    Skinghar (Staff) [01/02/2023 - 09:43 ET]

    Hello thecoolnoob, You are correct. Currently the files tab does not have the ability to reorder file other than alphabetically. Yes, one workaround would be to add numbers in the front of the file names in order to place them in the order you desire. If this is a feature you desire, may I recommend placing a feature request and adding your business use case for our product managers so they can place the request in priority order. Submit an idea by following this link - Thank you for using Stoplight!