Forum Discussion

YP's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

XSLT to route single reuest to multiple endpoints based on URI


I want to route to specific endpoints if the incoming URI matches otherwise reject. I want to route to both of the above endpoints if the incoming URI matches with "/Location" or /Main.How should I write OR condition here ?

Here is my xslt which I tried:

Error: The below stylesheet is giving invalid URI error.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"
    xmlns:dp="" xmlns:regexp=""
    extension-element-prefixes="dp regexp"
    exclude-result-prefixes="dp regexp">

    <xsl:template match="/">

        <xsl:variable name="uri_in" select="dp:variable('var://service/URI')"/>

        <xsl:variable name="serviceMapFileName" select="concat('local:///GATEWAY/Config/','service_map.xml')"/>
        <xsl:variable name="serviceMapTable" select="document($serviceMapFileName)" />
        <dp:set-local-variable name="'var://local/valid_uri'" value="'N'" />

        <xsl:for-each select="$serviceMapTable/servicelist/service">
                <!-- Test if we have a match in the incoming URI and the service data map table. -->
                <xsl:when test="contains($uri_in, @Location)">
                    <xsl:message dp:priority="debug">
                        <xsl:value-of select="concat('name:', @name, ' id:', @Location, ' uri:', $uri_in)"/>
                    <dp:set-variable name="'var://service/routing-url'" value="concat('', @port,$uri_in)" />
                    <dp:set-variable name="'var://context/LoggingContext/service_name'" value="@name"/>
                    <dp:set-local-variable name="'var://local/valid_uri'" value="'Y'" />            

        <xsl:if test="not(string(dp:local-variable('var://local/valid_uri')) = 'Y')">
            <dp:reject>Not a valid incoming uri to XI50 !!!</dp:reject>


My service_map.xml file in the backend :


    <service name="MPG_Retailer"
   <service name="MPG_Partner"
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