Forum Discussion

kite001's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Variable parameters for all rest-requests

I have an endpoint an resource but the last parameters can be diffrent everytime in URI. I know how to set them for one Request but how can i make it to a variable and change them for all my requests at the same time? I tried to go to my Rest-Project and add properties with variable-name and value but iam not able to insert in parameters then.

    • kite001's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thank you, i found a easy way to do it: 

      add my property in resources. then it will set the value for child resource and also in my testcase. The problem is now when i change the value its not updated. A workaround to update is to remove the property, make a new one with same name and my new value. Then the new value is stored again in all resource-childs and teststeps. 

      When i change the value and press "Revert all parameters to default value" then i get the actual value. but i have to do in all teststeps.. Is there anoth method to "push" or "update"

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        Sorry, I could not follow you.

        Would you please show with a screen shot? or a sample test case, export the same and attach here so that it is easy to reproduce.