9 years agoNew Contributor
testrunner.bat -t option not working
I need to run some tests using the command line and the testrunner.bat option. It always seems to just ignore the -t option and uses the setting file in my user directory. I've tried this on several machines. All are running soapUI 5.2 if that helps.
Here's my command line.
"D:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.2.1\bin\testrunner.bat" "D:\scripts\soapUI\Projects\test1\test1-soapui-project.xml" -t"D:\scripts\soapUI\Projects\test1\soapui-settings.xml" -f"D:\scripts\soapUI\Projects\test1\logs"
If I put the settings in my default soapui-settings.xml file it works fine. But all the various tests I need to run use different client certificates and proxy servers.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.