Forum Discussion

moginmo's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

SoapUI Pro GUI does not exit unless i select Exit Without Saving

I have had this since the last release version - 2.2.0. I am now using V2.3.0 and I still see the same issue on my machine. I cannot exit the GUI if i go to File-> Exit or try to click on the close button. I have to select "Exit Without Saving" option to close the GUI.


Note : I have soapui pro installed on other machines that exit fine. I have tried to look at differences b/w the two machines, don't see much in terms of soapui settings etc, but i may be missing something.

  • Creating a new workspace fixed this issue, FYI,.

3 Replies

  • I've dealt with this issue for ages now too. I'm not exactly sure since when exactly, but version 2.2.0 seems about right. I would appreciate a solution to this as well. It's not the biggest of deals but it can get annoying.

    • Lucian's avatar
      Community Hero

      Just contact the smartbear support for this. They respond pretty fast.


      BTW this is the soapUI open source forum. :smileytongue:

    • moginmo's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Creating a new workspace fixed this issue, FYI,.