Forum Discussion

jamaicac's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

SoapUI Pro Error Logging Spam

Hello everyone of SmartBear,


We are currently using Jenkins to run a TestSuite from SoapUI Pro, and we are experimenting with the logging system when an error is encountered.  We get data in the form of Properties, Request, and Response, and the information is accurate and useful.  However, for some reason, this data is being printed multiple times (about 20), and spamming the logs.  This happens when the error is located both inside and outside of DataSource loops, but the messages repeat many more times when the error is inside of a loop.  What is causing this?


Further, how can we go about correcting this?  Is there a way to make the Properties, Request, and Response to print only once for a single error?  Otherwise, is there possibly some way to disable certain error loggers?


Thanks in advance!


  • sanj's avatar
    Super Contributor

    I have been having the same annoying issue

    I was going into to look into how to surpress those errors.

    I was looking at the runner

    there is an option -J

    what if you take that out

    • jamaicac's avatar
      New Contributor

      So we have tried multiple combinations of options, such as -j, -J, -I, and more, but nothing seems to successfully rid the log of spam.  Any more ideas would be appreciated.