Forum Discussion

PaulSimthLee's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

SOAPUI Plugin in Eclipse - add custom jar files

As my previous post reporting that I cannot install SOAPUI. I use SOAPUI Plugin to my eclipse.
I have successfully plugge in my eclipse and am able to create a SOAPUI project. Yes. I am able to create a test case open to a testCase edit to add groovy script to the Setup Script tab.

My script is required to use some jar files, I used to put the jar files in the SOAPUI_HOME/bin/ext folder, it works fine. It is because now I am no longer able to open the TestCase Editor and to reinstall SOAPUI, I am not use the SOAPUI Plugin. I dont know where to put my jar files in Eclipse, I put the jar files in the JAVA_HOME, but it does not work, it always returns the following error:
- Unable to resolve class MQQueueConnectionFactory.

As I know this problem is caused by not finding my jar files. Would you please advise where to put my jar files. Below is my script
/* this.getClass().classLoader.rootLoader.addURL(new File("icc-testutil.jar").toURL()) */
import javax.jms.*
import groovy.sql.*
import com.pcbsys.nirvana.nJMS.*

ConnectionFactory mqFactory = new MQQueueConnectionFactory()
mqFactory.setPort(mqSettings.port as Integer)

Connection mqConnection = mqFactory.createQueueConnection()
Session mqSession = mqConnection.createQueueSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
  • redfish4ktc2's avatar
    Super Contributor
    AFAIK, you can specify a java system property to configure the path to the "ext" directory; use the following property

    This works with command line tools, junit, maven plugin, api calls
  • PaulSimthLee's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Where do I specify the soapui.ext.libraries? Do I specify inside the Eclipse under Window|Perference? Please advise
    Below is what I am doing.
    1. Open eclispe 3.8
    2. Open SOAPUI Perspective
    3. Create a SOAP project
    1. Add a TestSuite
    2. Add a testcase
    3. Add a test step

    I change the JAVA_HOME environment to include SOAPUI_HOME that is SOAP_HOME/bin/ext
    • gabidev's avatar
      New Contributor

      i have open soapUI prespective in eclipse and tryign to run my soapUI projct but my test case is using one jar file where do i upload that so it can read because its giving exception.

  • PaulSimthLee's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Many thanks for a quick reply.

    That POST says put in %USERPROFILE%\ext directory.

    What is %USERPROFILE%?

    the soapui.log
    20:20:38,441 INFO [com.eviware.soapui.impl.WorkspaceImpl] Loading workspace from [C:\Users\smith\SOAPUI Workspace\default-soapui-workspace.xml]
    20:20:38,676 INFO [com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlProject] Loaded project from [file:/C:/Working/NAB/NewOrderSingle/eNABle-NewOrderSingle.xml]
    20:20:39,586 INFO [com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlProject] Loaded project from [file:/C:/Users/smith/SOAPUI%20Workspace/eNABLE/soapui-project.xml]
    20:20:39,621 INFO [com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlProject] Loaded project from [file:/C:/Working/NAB/smith/my-soapui-project.xml]
    20:28:54,006 DEBUG [com.eviware.soapui.threads] runInUIThreadAsync: asyncExec com.eviware.soapui.eclipse.EclipseSoapUIDesktop$ModelItemDesktopPanelOpener

    I guess %USERPROFILE% is in C:\Users\smith , isn't it?

    Thanks in advance
  • PaulSimthLee's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Many thanks. It works now when I put in %USERPROFILE%/ext
    It find my jar files.

    But I have to replace groovy-all-1.8.0.jar with groovy-all-1.5.7.jar to make it work with my JMS
    I put the groovy-all-1.5.7.jar to %USERPROFILE%/ext but it still doesn't work.
    Should I download the old version of SOAPUI Plugin?

    PLease advise.
    • gabidev's avatar
      New Contributor

      What exactly userprofile is? i am facing same issue please let me now where exactly u put jar file?

    • gabidev's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi, if you can tell me where excatly u put jar file ?

  • redfish4ktc2's avatar
    Super Contributor
    the groovy all jar is required by soapui, so it should be bundle with the eclipse plugin
    yes you can try an old version of the plugin