Forum Discussion

meinTest's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

SoapUI oauth2 token retrieval failure

I'm using SoapUI 5.5.0 and want to use the gmail api. The problem is that, when I setup the authorisation (type OAuth 2.0) and click on "Get Access Token", the embedded browser pops up with an error message "The page could not be loaded".


The Client id, Client secret, Authorization URI, Access Token URI, Redirect URI and Scope are correct, because I reverted to an older version of SoapUI (5.2.1) and was able to get the access token.


Any help to solve this would be highly appreciated.





  • snrao's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hello MeinTest,

    I am running into the same issue. Where you able to resolve this? If so, would kindly share it?

    Due regards,


    • meinTest's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Sam,


      Unfortunately we haven't been able to solve it, but if we do we will certainly post our solution here.


      Best regards



      meinTest GmbH
      Business Unit of itsbusiness ag
      Eigerstrasse 2
      CH-3007 Bern
      Bern | Winterthur | Hamburg


      • naveen8944's avatar

        Happens when you have a proxy setup or proxy tool such as fiddler running. 

        Worked for me after removing proxy service.



  • Facing same issue on SOAP-UI 5.5.0.

    have anyone got workaround for the same?