Forum Discussion

Chris99's avatar
3 years ago

SoapUI long term issues


I have been using SoapUI for a while with a view to recommending it and ReadyAPI to the company as our default SOAP and REST api tool. However there are some fundamental problems that seem to have been around on the forums for a while that I would like further information on if possible. By the way I am using version 5.7.0:

  1. WSDL refresh - SoapUI often gets itself into a state where a service Update Definition will always fail with a message that includes the phrase "a[c] is null". Saving the project, closing SoapUI, restarting SoapUI and performing another Update Definition will be successful.
  2. Adding requests to operations - Often either adding a new request or cloning an existing rest on an operation will create the request, but it never appears in the tree beneath the operation and there is no way to refresh the tree. The only way I have found to select the new request is to select the same operation in the mock service and right-click Open Request and then choose the new request. The only way to see the request under the operation is to once again saving the project, close SoapUI, and restart SoapUI.
  3. Mock service caching - I have also had a few occasions where a mock service will return old responses rather than an updated one, as if it were cached. This is infrequent and harder to reproduce consistently, but stopping the mock service and restarting it makes no difference, and again only saving the project, closing SoapUI, restarting SoapUI, restarting the mock service and make the request again will get the expected response.
  4. Documentation - The online documentation is quite light. I found this to be particularly true for mock service operation dispatching, where a few more examples would help, and a full API for the build in objects such as requestContext. Also a link to the APIs for the items that can be imported would be useful.
  5. Forum - There doesn't appear to be much forum activity, and I haven't noticed much interaction from SmartBear employees.   



  • KarelHusa's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    Chris99 ,

    there is a long term decline of SoapUI development.


    On Github there are many unresolved issues, see . I have created a fix for one of the most annoying bugs in 5.7.0, made a pull request two months ago and nothing happened yet.


    If the product looses velocity then documentation, community or forum do the same. SoapUI has once been a great product, but it cannot live without development.


    Best regards,



  • KarelHusa's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    Chris99 ,

    I just gave another try to ReadyAPI and have to say it's a stable product with a lot of functionality and many details to enhance productivity -- i.e. has everything I missed in SoapUI.


    Presumably, Smartbear has cooled down SoapUI (ReadyAPI's main rival) to get more subscriptions (which worked in my case).


    Best regards,
