Forum Discussion

ShailjaPan's avatar
6 years ago

SoapUI -> How to pass multiple parameter with same key with different value in Rest request?


i want pass multiple parameter with same key with different value in Rest request

example -localhost:3030/products?$select[]=Duracell - AA Batteries (8-Pack)&$select[]=description

SoapUi tool does not allow to enter same key (select[]), it throws error- "property name exists!"


Is there anyway where i can pass multiple value? if its there please explain the steps.



  • aaronpliu's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Hi ShailjaPan ,

    SoapUI's property does not allow duplicate key. If you try to put same key in properties, consider save a list there.

    For example: key1=[value1, value2, value3]. And please be aware that properties just allow save as "string", so you may need to convert your list or map with groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(YourList).

    If you set value with same key, then previous will be replaced with new one. For instance, username=foo, and you run script testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("username", "bar"), then previous property will be covered with new value.


