SOAP UI Integration Testing Question
Hello all,
I am exploring my options to solve the following integration test issue that I am having, this is more of a high-level functionality question. We have 2 applications that I am working on a customer-facing application and an internal CRM system that contains customer information. I want to be able to test that what's generated in the customer facing application is appropriately reflected in the CRM application and vice versa. This is going to center around Work request numbers (a unique identifier) and invoice numbers (another unique identifier).
With SOAPUI (assuming I have the appropriate WSDLs or XML) would I be able to create automated tests performing service calls that generate a unique identifier upon submission(an invoice number for example), then with another call or series of calls use the identifier to return and verify what's in the 2nd application (by having matching invoice types and amounts for example)?
Ideally, I would want to create this suite and bring into Jenkins.
Thanks for any help that is provided !