Passing a list of nodes from a response to a new request
Hi to all. I'm new in this community and I have a proiblem that is going me mad
I searched in the community, but didn' t find what I am looking for.
I have a SOAP response, composed by multiple complex nodes. For example
<field1>something else</field1>
What i want to do is to pass the list of travelSolution objects to the next request.
I've tried with "property transfer" but it passes only the numer of objects already defined in the request.
For example if in the response there is a list with five <travelSolutions> objects, but in the receiving request there are only three objects present, only the first three objects will populate the request.
The number of <travelSolutions> objects is unpredictable. I want to transfer them all, to the new request for subsequent processing.
I've tried with a groovy script but I'm facing problems because DOM3 level is not supported
I'm using soapUI free edition 5.5
May someone please help me?
Thanks in advance