Pass response header to subsequent REST calls
EDIT: I figured out the XSRF cookie value needs to be converted to a header. I will try to figure out how to do this. Like I said, I am new :)
New to SoapUI.
I am trying to connect to CloudEndure's API. So I created a test case with 2 REST calls. It will first POST login and then GET a list of machines in a particular project. On the test case I set the option to maintain session data. The Login Post works fine and returns the following Token (or similar):
Set-Cookie: XSRF-TOKEN="+JhAOXvkjKHHlapUkz9rMSKqg==\012"; Path=/
Set-Cookie: session=.eJxNj11rgzAUhv_KONdS_Ej9gsLGoAUHHR3YJKG8FG87ia5d6X-fjl3s8ry8PO9zbsCKQg_K0mGQAtIbPAyQgicikpSx5ws_JB4PkjBmbsx9vkySKMIS7g40zFjKCitHpFa2CKm3JISEoU-iReQGbuQ50GHfSmOkVgbSj4nOJ3re7uvT02o1Uf6SfZB1YpP_S3YH0XD1lnG1dY-Hi4H7pwM9MkG1aq600ZVUkJasMejAYLBXbFYAczUWW0NRTQXEXqrqsRBd3S0K3YIDI_azzdQcyXReTF9Sq8-ofn-fl1_cTu_y5Cj345pv1l_7gw1f37NtEdSX07ebPFez-f0H84JkbA.DvBAxw.yxIsdjDzNWWWqL_55NQ0qaMr-U8; HttpOnly; Path=/
I need to be able to use that in the following requests(I think). This is what the todo says on their docs.
@todo: fix re use of XSRF-TOKEN cookie + X-XSRF-TOKEN header Upon successful authentication, this method returns a session identifier cookie that can be used to authenticate subsequent API calls.
Login: 14:31:54,842 DEBUG [SoapUIMultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$SoapUIDefaultClientConnection] Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established
Get Machine List:
14:31:59,947 DEBUG [SoapUIMultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$SoapUIDefaultClientConnection] Sending request: GET /api/latest/projects/-myProjectIDHere-/machines HTTP/1.1
14:32:00,350 DEBUG [SoapUIMultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$SoapUIDefaultClientConnection] Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 401 UNAUTHORIZED
14:32:00,351 DEBUG [HttpClientSupport$SoapUIHttpClient] Connection can be kept alive indefinitely
14:32:00,351 DEBUG [HttpClientSupport$SoapUIHttpClient] Target requested authentication
14:32:00,351 WARN [HttpClientSupport$SoapUIHttpClient] Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {}
What do I need to do? Thanks.
This is a snippet from a working Python script that may help:
import requests import json import sys HOST = '' headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "Usage: CLOUDENDURE_USERNAME CLOUDENDURE_PASSWORD" sys.exit(10) session = {} endpoint = '/api/latest/{}' login_data = {'username': sys.argv[1], 'password': sys.argv[2]} r = + endpoint.format('login'), data = json.dumps(login_data), headers = headers) if r.status_code != 200 and r.status_code != 307: print "Bad login credentials" sys.exit(1) # check if need to use a different API entry point if r.history: endpoint = '/' + '/'.join(r.url.split('/')[3:-1]) + '/{}' r = + endpoint.format('login'), data = json.dumps(login_data), headers = headers) session = {'session': r.cookies['session']} headers['X-XSRF-TOKEN'] = r.cookies['XSRF-TOKEN'] ...