Let us take one step at a time.
Assuming there is a test case with step1 and step2
Step1 is executed, and you need to extract some data out of its response and pass it to Step2.
Is that what you want in the essence?
Now, how to retrieve required data from step1 response. Assuming there is a valid xpath //*:element
You can use script assertion:
//Script assertion for step1
import com.eviware.soapui.support.XmlHolder
def xml = new XmlHolder(context.response)
//Modify the xpath as you needed
def elementValue = xml.getNodeValue("//*:element/text()")
assert elementValue, "Value is null or empty"
//save the retrived value to custom properties of test case,
//so that it can be used in the further steps
context.testCase.setPropertyValue('ELEMENT_DATA', elementValue)
Then you can use property expansion for tags where data needs to be changed in step2 request.
Please see documentation:
for eg: